An ingrown toenail is a condition that affections millions throughout the nation, with the big toe being the most common culprit. This  is where a toenail grows into the skin that surrounds the nail of your toes. An ingrown toenail condition can turn into a painful one and can be indicated by the following symptoms  

  • Tenderness of the skin encircling the nail which allows the ingrown to dig into the surrounding flesh
  • Redness
  • Skin swelling of surrounding nail 
  • Tissue infection surrounding the nail
  • Bleeding 
  • Build up of pus or fluid 

It is important to treat your ingrown before it begins to get infected or become painful. Follow the link to check out ways to treat your ingrown at home here. Signs of an infection include warmth in the toe, signs of pus, or redness and swelling of the area surrounding the nail or the toe. If you leave your infected ingrown condition untreated a few problems that may occur are:

  • Infection of the toe bone 
  • Foot ulcer
  • Open sores 
  • No blood flow 
  • Decay or death of the surrounding tissue 

Contact us to schedule a Free Consultation with one of our doctors.